Dr. Md Rafiqul Islam
Program Coordinator & Senior Lecturer in Information Systems (Data Analytics)
Australian Institute of Higher Education (AIH), Australia
Associate Editor- EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems, Natural Language Processing Journal, Human-Centric Intelligent Systems
News and Highlights
Our article (AIoT for sustainable manufacturing: Overview, challenges, and opportunities) is featured on the Internet of Things Journal as a "Most Popular Article," based on the Articles from the last three years that have received the most social media attention!
I have been awarded the Best Editor in recognition of my outstanding contribution to Human-Centric Intelligent Systems (HCIN) Journal.
Invited to serve as a Speaker for the 2nd International Conference on Digital Society and Intelligent Systems (DSInS 2022)
Invited to serve as a Proceeding Chair for the The 9th International Conference on Behavioral and Social Computing
Invited to serve as a Young Editorial Board Member for the Human-Centric Intelligent Systems Journal
Invited to serve as a committee member in ISAIMS 2021 Conference
One paper is accepted in Human Centric Intelligent Journal
Invited to serve as a Web and Publicity Chairs Persuasive Technology (PT), 2022
One paper is accepted in Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (Q1, A)
One paper is accepted in Information Visualisation (IV-2021) Conference
Invited to serve as a Program committee member for BESC-2021
Invited to serve as a regular reviewer for Quantitative Biology Journal (Springer)
Invited to serve as Workshop Chair for the International Workshop on "Healthcare Analytics"
Invited to serve as a Program committee member for NLPIR 2021
Two papers are accepted in IJCNN
Invited to serve as a Program committee member for HIS-2021
Invited to serve as a Publicity Chair for ISIC-2022
Invited to serve as a Publicity Chair for BESC-2021
Invited to serve as a Program committee member for ICASERT 2019
Invited to serve on the editorial board member of Computer Science journal.
Dr. Md Rafiqul Islam is a Senior Lecturer in data analytics at the Business Information System department, Australian Institute of Higher Education, Australia. He obtained his Ph.D. in Data Analytics from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia, and his M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh. He has 9 years of research and teaching experience in computer science. His research interests include data analytics, behavior analysis, visualization, big data, healthcare, and information system. He has published over 60 research papers in highly recognized journals and conference proceedings. Besides, he is an associate editor of the well-known Human-Centric Intelligent Systems, Frontiers in medical technology, Journal of Computer Science, and reviewer of 26 internationally well-recognized journals such as Knowledge-Based System, IEEE Access, Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer), World Wide Web (Springer), etc. He also serves as an organizing committee member, BESC-2021, BESC-2022, PT-2022, HIS-2021, ISIC-2022, and NLPIR-2021, and a PC member in multiple international conferences.
Academic Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
School of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, and Information Technology (FEIT)
University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia
Research Area: Data Analytics
Master of Science in Computer Science & Engineering
Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh
Research Area: Data Analytics
Work Experiences
Program Coordinator and Senior Lecturer in Information Systems (Data Analytics)
Australian Institute of Higher Education (AIH), Australia
Duration: Feb’23-Present
link: https://aih.edu.au/
Research Engineer at School of Computer Science
University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia
Duration: Sept’22-Feb'23
Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Data Science Institute (DSI)
University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia
Duration: March’21-August'22
Unit Coordinator and Sessional Lecturer at School of Computer Science
University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia
Duration: March’20-Present
Research Scholar in Centre for applied informatics (CAI)
Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: June’17-April’ 2018
Assistant Professor in Computer Science & Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
City University, Bangladesh Duration: August’18-March’19
Lecturer in Computer Science & Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
City University, Bangladesh Duration: March’14-May’17
Can read, write, speak, understand and peer review
Can read, write, speak, understand and peer review